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marketing resources.

oGV materials

Zrzut ekranu 2020-08-24 o 16.09.07.png

customer personas


GV graphic templates

Hub content mkt.003.png

events creation booklet

Hub content mkt.004.png

events materials

Hub content mkt.001.png

offline2online transfer

Zrzut ekranu 2020-08-24 o 16.16.15.png
Anchor 1

general materials

Zrzut ekranu 2020-10-20 o 11.24.33.png

AIESEC bluebook 2020

Hub content mkt.003.png


Hub content mkt.001.png

AIESEC logos

Hub content mkt.005.png


Hub content mkt.004.png

general offline materials

GV winter peak posts template (1).png

GV logo

GV winter peak posts template (2).png

GTa logo

GV winter peak posts template (3).png

GTe logo

lost in marketing world?

check out the booklet below!

Zrzut ekranu 2020-10-20 o 11.29.13.png

oGT materials

Zrzut ekranu 2020-08-24 o 16.09.14.png

customer personas

GTa winter peak posts template.png

GTa graphic templates

GTe winter peak posts template.png

GTe graphic templates

Zrzut ekranu 2020-08-24 o 16.16.15.png

iGV & Let Me Polish You materials

Resources _ Letmepolishyou-14.png


Resources _ Letmepolishyou-15.png

showcasing booklet

Resources _ Letmepolishyou-16.png

brand booklet

Resources _ Letmepolishyou-17.png

one pagers

Resources _ Letmepolishyou-18.png

opportunity headers

Resources _ Letmepolishyou-19.png


Resources _ Letmepolishyou-20.png

IR partners booklet

Resources _ Letmepolishyou-21.png

EP preparation booklet

Resources _ Letmepolishyou-22.png

academy resources

Resources _ Letmepolishyou-23.png


Resources _ Letmepolishyou-24.png

Resources _ Letmepolishyou-25.png [outdated]

iGT materials

Global Host and gt hub.002.png

sales proposals

Global Host and gt hub.003.png

one pager

Global Host and gt hub.004.png

LinkedIn materials

Global Host customer flow.001-kopia.jpeg

LinkedIn best practices

Global Host and gt hub.005.png

IR promo materials

Hub content mkt.002.jpeg

IR booklet

Global Host and gt hub.007.png

IR posts templates

Hub content mkt.001.jpeg

AIESEC Uni promo template

Global Host customer flow.001.jpeg


Global Host drive.002.jpeg

Global Host materials

Global Host customer flow.003.png

job descriptions

Global Host customer flow.001.png

customer flow

Global Host customer flow.002.png

SOP checklist

Hub content mkt.001.png

communication strategy

Global Host value proposition.001.png

value proposition

buyer personas

Hub content mkt.001.png

campaign booklet

Hub content mkt.002.jpeg

online materials

Hub content mkt.001.jpeg

offline materials

Global Host and gt hub.001.png

GH logos

Global Host drive.001.jpeg

recruitment materials

Recruitment_2020.2_guideline (7).png

recruitment booklet

Hub content mkt.003.png

offline materials

Hub content mkt.004.png

online materials

Zrzut ekranu 2020-08-24 o 16.49.16.png

recruitment tool

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