Welcome to Hubspot zone!
If you find yourself here clueless about what is Hubspot or CRM let me explain.
First of all, CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management -it's a software and set of process that allows organisations manage well their partnerships and external relationships.
This page will be especially useful if your area involves contacts with external organisations or companies e.g. IGT, IGV and PD.
Hubspot Zone contains very important CRM manual, video trainings, practical tasks and bonus material -live simulation.
In terms of question please approach person responsible for platforms management inside AIESEC Poland.
1. What & why CRM
2. Access Hubspot
3. Interface -how to move around Hubspot?
4. Import your companies
5. Company profile
5.1 About company
5.2 Reporting -log your call
5.3 Deals and contracts
6. Filters
7. Definitions

(for LCVPs)
create a new account
1. Request access through form
2. Receive email from Hubspot in 48 hours
3. Click activation link
4. Finish account configuration

existing account issue
Hubspot users register
-forgotten password
-accounts permissions setting
-issues with logging
Please approach your LCVP or Hubspot administrator.
(currently katarzyna.koniorczyk@aiesec.pl).
Check and manage accounts requests in your LC in spreadsheet.

Learn how to:
1) Access to Hubspot
2) Filter companies/contacts
3) Understand what is ID
4) How to add new “company”
5) How to log a contact
6) How to assign contacts to my structure

If you can practically do this things you are ready to start:
Log into Hubspot. Filter list of companies to see only your LC companies with sales focus of IGT.
Add contact person assigned to a chosen company.
Log a call after following situation: partner couldn’t talk and he asked you to call in 2 days. Tag your LCVP. Don't forget to set reminder to follow up.
Open deals tab and find all companies in your LC that have a deal in consideration phase.